Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post # 10 - Kindness is...Panhandling in Reverse

Hello everyone,

Today, I’m going to tell you about a story of a very remarkable couple, and this couple just happens to be retired.  They decided to take their idea to the streets.  Instead of panhandling and asking people for money, the couple decided to take their own money and give it away to the people who drove by.  The couple decided that they were going to take $100 of their own money and give it away.  You can think of it as “panhandling in reverse.”  The driver of each vehicle that passed them that day received one dollar.  In addition, the couple held up a sign saying “no, I am not homeless, and I am not hungry.  Can I give you a dollar?”  Although this act is small, it shows that the couple has a kind heart and wants to bring good to the community.  No matter how small the act is, kindness can always make a positive difference in someone’s life.  So please remember, when you see that piece of trash on the sidewalk, pick it up.  Or when you’re standing behind someone in line, and they don’t have enough money to pay for their bill, pay for the difference.  Doing good deeds will bring good deeds back to you.  I hope that you enjoyed reading this post, and until next time please stay kind.  Thank you for reading.

Dallas Hathaway 

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